
PROCEDURE DBMS_WM.AlterSavepoint (workspace IN VARCHAR2, sp_name IN VARCHAR2, sp_description IN VARCHAR2);

Changes sp_description in sp_name in workspace.

PROCEDURE DBMS_WM.AlterWorkspace (workspace IN VARCHAR2, workspace_description IN VARCHAR2);

Changes workspace_description for workspace.


Starts DDL session for table_name and creates a table with the name table_name_LTS.

PROCEDURE DBMS_WM.BeginResolve (workspace IN VARCHAR2);

Starts a conflict resolution session for workspace.

PROCEDURE DBMS_WM.CommitDDL (table_name IN VARCHAR2 [, ignore_last_error IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE]);

Commits DDL changes made during the DDL session for table_name. If ignore_last_error, ignores the last error that may have occurred during the last call to this procedure.

PROCEDURE DBMS_WM.CommitResolve (workspace IN VARCHAR2);

Ends conflict resolution session and commits any changes made since the DBMS_WM.BeginResolve procedure was called.

PROCEDURE DBMS_WM.CompressWorkspace (workspace IN VARCHAR2, [, compress_view_wo_overwrite IN BOOLEAN] [, firstSP IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL] [, secondSP IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL] [, auto_commit IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE]);

Deletes removable savepoints and minimizes Workspace Manager metadata structures for workspace. If only firstSP is specified, works on all removable savepoints from creation to firstSP. If both firstSP and secondSP are specified, all removable savepoints between them are deleted. If secondSP

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