Appendix 25.2 RMAN Recovery Catalog Column Definitions and Their Descriptions

Table Name Column Name(P for Primary Key, U for Unique key) Null? Data Type Description
AL AL_KEY (P) NOT NULL NUMBER Archived log key
AL DBINC_KEY (U) NOT NULL NUMBER Database incarnation key
AL AL_RECID (U) NOT NULL NUMBER Archived log recid (record id) from control file
AL AL_STAMP (U) NOT NULL NUMBER Archived log stamp from control file
AL THREAD# NOT NULL NUMBER Archived log thread number
AL SEQUENCE# NOT NULL NUMBER Archived log sequence number
AL LOW_SCN NOT NULL NUMBER System Change Number (SCN) generated when switching in
AL LOW_TIME NOT NULL DATE Timestamp when low SCN allocated
AL NEXT_SCN NOT NULL NUMBER SCN generated when switching out ...

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