Pipelined Table Functions
A pipelined table function is one that returns a result set as a collection, but it does so iteratively. In other words, Oracle does not wait for the function to run to completion, storing all the rows it computes in the PL/SQL collection before returning it. Instead, as each row is ready to be assigned to the collection, it is “piped out” of the function. Let’s see a pipelined table function in action.
/* File on web: date_parser_pipelined.sql */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION date_parse ( p_curs SYS_REFCURSOR ) RETURN order_date_t PIPELINED AS v_order_rec orders%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- for every order in the cursor... LOOP FETCH p_curs INTO v_order_rec; EXIT WHEN p_curs%NOTFOUND; -- pipe out the components of the orders open data PIPE ROW(order_date_o(v_order_rec.order_number, 'O', TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.create_date,'YYYY'), TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.create_date,'Q'), TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.create_date,'MM'))); -- pipe out the components of the orders assign date PIPE ROW(order_date_o(v_order_rec.order_number, 'A', TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.assign_date,'YYYY'), TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.assign_date,'Q'), TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.assign_date,'MM'))); -- pipe out the components of the orders close date PIPE ROW(order_date_o(v_order_rec.order_number, 'C', TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.close_date,'YYYY'), TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.close_date,'Q'), TO_CHAR(v_order_rec.close_date,'MM'))); END LOOP; -- every order in the cursor RETURN; END;
There are four main syntax changes between the non-pipelined version and ...
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