Chapter 1
PL/SQL and Your Database
In This Chapter
Getting to know relational databases
Understanding database terminology
Finding out about Oracle
Using SQL and PL/SQL
Discovering what PL/SQL is good for
PL/SQL is an extension to the industry-standard SQL language. Oracle Corporation developed PL/SQL and released the first version in 1991. PL/SQL is an easy-to-use procedural language that interacts seamlessly with the Oracle database. Server-side PL/SQL is part of the Oracle database and needs no explicit installation or licensing.
This chapter introduces you to PL/SQL and provides some basics about relational databases.
Knowing Just Enough about Relational Databases
Building a system in Oracle or some other relational database product does not automatically make it a relational database. Similarly, you can design a perfectly good relational database and implement it in something other than a relational database product. We discuss two important areas:
What do people mean by ...
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