Chapter 18 Collections
1) | Create the following script. Create an index-by table and populate it with the instructor’s full name. In other words, each row of the index-by table should contain first name, middle initial, and last name. Display this information on the screen. |
A1: |
Answer: Your script should look similar to the following:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE CURSOR name_cur IS SELECT first_name||' '||last_name name FROM instructor; TYPE name_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(50) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; name_tab name_type; v_counter INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR name_rec IN name_cur LOOP v_counter := v_counter + 1; name_tab(v_counter) :=; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('name('||v_counter||'): '|| name_tab(v_counter)); END LOOP; END; In the preceding ... |
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