When to Use Packages
By now, we’ve covered the rules, syntax, and nuances of constructing packages. Let’s now return to the list of reasons you might want to use PL/SQL packages and explore them in more detail. These scenarios include:
- Encapsulating (hiding) data manipulation
Rather than have developers write SQL statements (leading to inefficient variations and maintenance nightmares), provide an interface to those SQL statements.
- Avoiding the hardcoding of literals
Use a package with constants to give a name to the literal (“magic”) value and avoid hardcoding it into individual (and multiple) programs. You can, of course, declare constants within procedures and functions as well. The advantage of a constant defined in a package specification is that it can be referenced outside of the package.
- Improving the usability of built-in features
Some of Oracle’s own utilities, such as UTL_FILE and DBMS_OUTPUT, leave lots to be desired. Build your own package on top of Oracle’s to correct as many of the problems as possible.
- Grouping together logically related functionality
If you have a dozen procedures and functions that all revolve around a particular aspect of your application, put them all into a package so that you can manage (and find) that code more easily.
- Caching session-static data to improve application performance
Take advantage of persistent package data to improve the response time of your application by caching (and not requerying) static data.
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