Collections Overview
Let’s start with a review of collection concepts and terminology, a description of the different types of collections, and a number of examples to get you going.
Collections Concepts and Terminology
The following explanations will help you understand collections and more rapidly establish a comfort level with these data structures.
- Element and index value
A collection consists of multiple elements (chunks of data), each element of which is located at a certain index value in the list. You will sometimes see an element also referred to as a “row,” and an index value referred to as the “row number.”
- Collection type
Each collection variable in your program must be declared based on a predefined collection type. As I mentioned earlier, there are, very generally, three types of collections: associative arrays, nested tables, and VARRAYs. Within those generic types, there are specific types that you define with a TYPE statement in a block’s declaration section. You can then declare and use instances of those types in your programs.
- Collection or collection instance
The term “collection” may refer to any of the following:
A PL/SQL variable of type associative array, nested table, or VARRAY
A table column of type nested table or VARRAY
Regardless of the particular type or usage, however, a collection is at its core a single-dimensional list of homogeneous elements.
A collection instance is an instance of a particular type of collection.
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