Configuring and Using the OSS

This section explains how to configure and use the Oracle Security Server at your site. The details of software installation are operating-system dependent and will not be discussed here. Please refer to your operating system documentation for installation instructions.

From the physical installation perspective, the Oracle Security Server consists of three components:

  • A command-line tool, which provides the osslogin (connect OSS) utilities

  • The Advanced Networking Option Authentication Adapter (see Chapter 17, for more information on ANO)

  • A repository that stores OSS information

The osslogin command-line tool is activated from the DOS prompt on your Windows NT or Windows 95 system. You type in the utility name and respond to the prompts. Notice that the prompts are in the opposite order from the order in which you enter information when creating a global user. The interaction for the user mary, who we created earlier, would look like the following:

C:\> osslogin
Oracle Security Server for 32-bit Windows : version - Production on 21-JUN-98  16:35:13
© Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Oracle Security Server Login Program
Please Enter the following information:
Common Name: mary
Locality: Vienna
State: VA
Organization Unit: MyDept
Organization: MyCompany
Country: US

Once you have entered the last piece of information (Country), the utility will generate a wallet for the user mary.

The section “More about osslogin” provides additional ...

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