
1: Add a new employee to the database. The employee’s attributes are as follows:
Last Name Quayle
First Name Dan
Payroll Number 50
Department Int
Social Sec. # 312-33-9089
Gender Male
Position Chief Executive
Wages $50,000
Birth Date March 9, 1942
Employment Date January 20, 2001
Phone 712-345-9876
State Indiana
Street 1234 Western
City Indianapolis
2: Each of the employees in the WEL department has purchased a pair of safety glasses. The glasses were purchased on May 7, 2001, from Pearl Optical. The cost was $78. Add a record into the Glasses table for each of the employees.
3: Update the wages for the employees. Each employee has received a 3-percent raise. The employees in the WEL also received a $900 bonus.
4: Delete the records you ...

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