© Stelios Charalambides  2017

Stelios Charalambides, Oracle SQL Tuning with Oracle SQLTXPLAIN, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2436-6_13

13. Parallel Execution

Stelios Charalambides

(1)New Hampton, New Hampshire, USA

What Is Parallel Execution?

In general terms, parallel execution is pretty easy to understand. ‘Many hands make light work’ or so the saying goes, but have you also heard ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’? Therein lies the problem. We can throw resources at a problem, in this case execution of some SQL, but the parallel execution has to be managed for the best results. For a simple case such as taking an inventory in a department store, we could allocate one person to a floor and let them get on with it. Their results then would be collated by their ...

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