SQL*Plus Command Reference
This section contains an alphabetic listing of all the SQL*Plus commands, with brief descriptions.
Comment Delimiters (/*...*/)
/* comment_text comment_text comment_text */
The /* and */ delimiters set off a comment in SQL*Plus. Comments entered this way may span multiple lines. If you use /*...*/ in a script file, the comments are displayed on the screen when the script is executed. For example:
/* SQL*Plus script written 7-Jan-2000 by Jonathan Gennick. */
Double Hyphen ( -- )
-- comment_text
The double hyphen can place a single-line comment in a SQL*Plus script. For example:
--Written 7-Jan-2000 by Jonathan Gennick
At Sign (@)
@{url|file} [argument [argument...]]
The at sign (@) executes a SQL*Plus script file. For example:
@$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan @http://Gennick.com/message.sql 2
In Oracle9i Database Release 1, only the Windows version of SQL*Plus allows you to identify a script file by its URL. In Oracle9i Database Release 2 and higher, all versions of SQL*Plus support this functionality. URLs may be HTTP or FTP.
In iSQL*Plus, you must specify a URL with the @ command; you cannot specify a filename.
Double At Sign (@@)
@{url | file} [argument [argument...]]
The double at sign (@@) is used within a script file to execute another script file from the same directory as the first. For example:
@@generate_emp_report @@generate_pay_history_report '101'
In iSQL*Plus, you must specify a URL with the @@ command; you cannot specify a filename.
Forward Slash (/)
A forward ...
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