Database Security Review
Even though security policies are developed and enforced by the DBA, you should still understand how database security issues can impact application design. For example, you should have a clear grasp of schemas and object privileges if you’re going to secure your systems by allowing access only through a minimally privileged account.
Depending on the application, you might need to create an application-specific security scheme (unless you create a DAD for every account, which is a maintenance nightmare) to differentiate between users. For example, in Chapter 8, we’ll look at a threaded discussion list application in which we create our own username and password list to allow users to post messages.
This section is a security refresher, covering security relationships among database users, database objects, object privileges, and roles. If these terms are new to you, or you need to dust off a few cobwebs, read on. Otherwise, feel free to skip to the next chapter.
Database Users
A user account is the first line of defense in an Oracle database. Similar to an account on a Unix or NT system, each user account has an associated username and password. A user must log in to a particular account by providing the correct password before running scripts, inputting data, executing PL/SQL programs, or performing any other meaningful activity.
The term schema is often used synonymously with “user” or “account.” Although the concepts are closely related, schema is ...
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