Chapter 4

Having the Right Attitude at Work

In This Chapter

arrow Exploring workplace attitudes

arrow Linking behaviour to attitudes

arrow Engendering job satisfaction and commitment

arrow Improving attitudes at work

Attitudes are important when you’re at work: fact. The way you think about your organisation and your employers influences the way you behave at work, so things like the quality of the work you do, customer satisfaction and whether or not you remain in your job are all affected by your work attitudes.

This chapter describes what attitudes are and why they’re important in the workplace. We discuss how you can predict some work behaviours based on the attitudes that people hold. As well as general attitudes at work, you explore two areas where attitudes have a huge impact: job satisfaction and work commitment. You look at these relationships in terms of what they mean in the workplace and explain why organisational behaviourists are so interested in them. Finally, we offer practical information about measuring attitudes and trying to change attitudes in the workplace.

Understanding Attitudes ...

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