
absorption person adjusts self to fit role demands.

activity tracks areas that account for our attention and energy during change.

adaptive approaches approach to change implementation wherein the change/innovation is fit to the organization.

adoption the term we use to describe the formal selection of the idea for incorporation into an organization.

appropriateness reflects the belief that the specific change under consideration/implementation is the correct one to address the need expressed in discrepancy.

attribution error occurs when an observer attributes the cause of an observation incorrectly.

authenticity concerns the sincerity of stakeholders' compliance with implementers' expectations for their behavior.

autonomous approaches implementation strategies that are flexible and open to redefinition/reinvention even at the lowest levels of the organization.

avoidance-avoidance goal conflicts “arise when the message options available to respond to a question have multiple negative outcomes in relation to one's aims, yet a reply must be made” (Kline, Simunich, and Weber, 2009, p. 44).

bankrupt participation describes the case where even symbolic involvement is available for only a few representative stakeholders.

boundary-spanners individuals who connect an organization with external environments.

change acceptance zone that space wherein the motivation to change is high enough to create some stress, but the perception of potential success is also high enough to provide ...

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