Primary Material Cited

Ethno. # = Ethnographic protocols of participant observation and informal conversations with a purpose in chronological order.

Int. # = Semi-structured interviews, expert interviews in chronological order.

Amtsgericht Ingolstadt. (2007). Handelsregister B: HRB1. [Trade register file]. Ingolstadt.

Andorka, C.-P. (2010). Die AUDI Motorsport Story. Edition Audi Tradition. Königswinter: HEEL. ARD. (1997, November 20). Zwischen Bremstest und Champagnerparty: Die Arbeit der Auto-Journalisten. [Documentary film]. Retrieved 15 January 2013, from

ARD. (2011, September 22). Autokonzerne und Journalisten, ZAPP Medienmagazin, NDR. [Documentary film]. Retrieved 15 January ...

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