Chapter 12 How Do I Work with Images and Video?


In today’s digital age, you most likely use your computer to catalog and share images. Mavericks offers several ways to have fun with digital photography and video. In addition to taking pictures, you can use Photo Booth to record video and add special effects, including your own custom backdrops. Mavericks automatically works with most digital cameras and scanners. Image Capture helps you transfer images to and from your digital camera and import files using your scanner. In this chapter, I also cover viewing images in Preview, taking screenshots, watching movies with QuickTime Player, and using FaceTime for video calls.

Working with Images in Preview

Preview is an application that has been with OS X from the beginning. It is commonly considered to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to opening and working with many file types. In this portion of the chapter, I cover how to work with images in Preview, but for more information on what Preview can do, see Chapter 7.

Image file types supported by Preview

Preview can open and export many different image file types. Table 12.1 lists the image file types supported by Preview.

Table 12.1 File Types Supported by Preview

File Extension

File Type/Description


Joint Photographic Experts Group: A popular image file format used by most digital cameras. Also known as JPEG. ...

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