Chapter 4: Expanding Your Horizons with iCloud

In This Chapter

arrow.png Introducing iCloud

arrow.png Setting iCloud preferences

arrow.png Managing iCloud storage

If you ask the average Mac owner about what’s available on the Internet, you likely hear benefits such as e-mail, drop box storage, web surfing, and Google searches. What you may not hear is “instant syncing among all my Apple iOS devices.”

If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you may have experienced what I like to call the “Synchronizing Blues” in the past: When you took a photo with your iPhone or created a new document with your iPad, your new additions just sat there (in their original location) until you had a chance to sync your device with your Mac. Ah, but with Apple’s iCloud functionality, your stuff gets automatically synchronized across the Internet!

In this chapter, I show you what’s really exciting about your Mac and that fancy Internet connection. With iCloud, you can automatically synchronize your stuff and manage online backups of all your contacts, calendars, mail, bookmarks, and documents!

So How Does iCloud Work, Anyway?

As I mention earlier, today’s Apple iOS devices can all display or play the same media: photos, music, ...

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