Using Workflows
Workflows are groups of actions that are combined to help you accomplish a task. When you run a workflow, the actions in it are carried out in sequential order until the last action has been performed. The results, or output, of the first action become the input for the next action, and so on, until the workflow is completed.
Designing a workflow
Building a workflow from scratch is much simpler than you may think. To help you get started with Automator, I’ve created a new workflow and walk you through its creation step by step. First, here’s what I want to do with my new workflow:
I want to rename images that I’ve saved from my camera to a folder on my desktop called New Pics using Image Capture. My camera automatically adds IMG to the beginning of every file and then numbers them sequentially. I want to name the files a little more descriptively, and Automator is the perfect tool to accomplish this task.
Once renamed, I want to open my files in Preview so that I can check them out.
I want my images to automatically print so that I can have a hard copy of each.
I want ...
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