Setting Preferences in Mail

Just like any other app, Mail works best when it works best for you. Because only you know what works best for you, Mail provides the ability to change its default behavior to suit your needs using Preferences. Press maccmd+, to open the Mail preferences window.


The options in the General pane are shown in Figure 10.7.

Table 10.2 gives the scoop on each of these options.


10.7 The Mail General options.




The Accounts pane lets you see and edit your account information and decide how Mail handles certain behaviors for your accounts. Earlier in this chapter, I discussed adding and removing accounts from this pane. Now, let’s take a look at the other options available for your accounts. The Accounts pane is separated into three tabs: Account Information, Mailbox Behaviors, and Advanced.

Account Information

The Account Information tab, shown in Figure 10.8, allows you to set up the information necessary to receive e-mail from any one account, as well as to enable or disable (without deleting it) the account. This information is available from your e-mail ...

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