Chapter 8
Marking Time with Calendar
In This Chapter
Entering and editing events
Working with multiple calendars
Sharing your calendars
Subscribing to a WebDAV calendar
Printing calendars
What’s so great about a computerized calendar? After all, you’ve probably been jotting events down on a paper calendar of one sort or another as long as you can remember. (These days, your insurance agent sends you one for free every year.) What if you’re already using the Calendar app on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad? Isn’t it more work to launch Calendar than to reach for that old paper standby?
Ah, good reader, there are indeed a number of good reasons to move from your old-fashioned paper calendar to the digital Calendar application in Yosemite! Suppose you share a common calendar with others in your home or office, for example; imagine synchronizing the same calendar events between your Mac and your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Suddenly those events become much more convenient, and your ...
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