11The Next Generation

This chapter covers how youth can use AI to have a positive impact on all people.

The Global Shapers Community works to reduce inequalities worldwide by empowering youth to take action. It provides them with a platform to build their own responsible AI initiatives, whether technical or policy and governance‐related, so that they can have an equal voice in any given AI ecosystem and can influence the trajectory of the technology. For example, the Stanford‐incubated AI4ALL1 program targeted high school students and produced projects to examine inequalities, improve the criminal justice system, improve patient outcomes, and provide feedback to surgeons through computer vision. Intel's AI for Youth also created projects focusing on cyber‐bullying, energy efficiency, and educational support. By uniting youth from several continents in multilateral convenings such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) did in 2009 with the intergovernmental climate change convenings, we ensure that their voices are heard and their stakeholder status is secured.

As another example, at the U&AI Camp, an international youth bootcamp, more than 1,300 young people from more than 50 countries across Eurasia, America, Africa, and Oceana presented their innovative AI solutions for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).2 The winning team, WeReco, designed an e‐commerce mobile app platform that directs users to eco‐friendly products. The runner‐up ...

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