

Abbot and Costello example, 102

accelerating continuous improvement

acceptance, 43–46

building, 36–37

deployment planning, 38–39

diminishing value and waste, relationship, 28

DMAIC, 33–35

essentials, 23–30

execution, 39–41

framework, 32–33

fundamentals, 23

implementation infrastructure, 35–41

improvement bathtub curve, 26–27

improvement excellence, 30–33

individual project paths, 40

next generation of improvement, 30

payoffs through layoffs, 28–29

Scalable Lean Six Sigma™, 41–43

strategic leadership and vision, 37–38

acceleration entrapment, 7

acceptance, 43–46

accessibility, 66

accounting rules, 235

achievement-based education, 104

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