Job:01010 Title:Package Design
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Job:01010 Title:Package Design
146 p ack a ge de si g n wor k bo ok146 p ack a ge de si g n wor k bo ok
designs real world
return on
Case studies in package design excellence
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Job:01010 Title:Package Design
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Job:01010 Title:Package Design
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C1 Job:01010 Title:Package Design
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C1 Job:01010 Title:Package Design
ith stores throughout England,
Waitrose combines the conve-
nience of a supermarket with
the expertise and service of a specialty
shop. Distinctly upmarket and ethically
aware, Waitrose is renowned for the
unparalleled quality, traceability, and
freshness of its natural and organic
meats, produce, and specialty foods.
For fi fteen years, Turner Duckworth
has designed Waitrose’s own-brand
products to play a highly visible and
integral role in delivering a unique
brand and in-store experience.
The Waitrose own-brands—from
canned vegetables to cookies to pet food
to sparkling juices—help provide valida-
tion and encouragement for its custom-
ers’ lifestyles and healthy eating choices.
Their prominence and ubiquity on-shelf
give the brands the power to individually
and collectively express Waitrose’s unique
spirit, ethos, and authenticity.
The customer connection built by its
own brands has evolved into a powerful
emotional bond that fosters enduring loyalty
and enhances the overall Waitrose promise.
Turner Duckworths designs reflect
Waitrose’s subtle and sophisticated
aesthetic by emphasizing ingredients,
provenance, and flavor. No clutter, no
violators, no loud graphics—just delicious
food presented beautifully with under-
stated elegance, originality, style, and wit.
Turner Duckworth’s designs make
shopping easier, more pleasurable, and
more informative for Waitrose customers.
And once they’re in homes, Waitrose’s
own-brand products continue to deliver
on their promise by making it easy to
select, prepare, and serve wholesome,
natural, and delicious meals every day.
Designing a Deeper
customer connection
case studies | waitrose by turner duck worth | uk
14 8 pa c k age d e s ign w o r k b o o k
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Job:01010 Title:Package Design
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Job:01010 Title:Package Design
“By communicating with
simplicity and clarity, our
designs make shopping
easier, more pleasurable
and more informative for
Waitrose customers.
“The Waitrose premium
dried fruits range saw a 47
percent increase in sales
since redesign.”
Lydi a Ger re t
Bruce Duck wor th
Creative Director,
Turner Duckworth
voice of success
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Job:01010 Title:Package Design
102-151_01010.indd 150102-151_01010.indd 150 4/8/08 4:17:42 PM4/8/08 4:17:42 PM
Job:01010 Title:Package Design
case studies | waitrose by turner duck worth | uk
102-151_01010.indd 150102-151_01010.indd 150 4/8/08 4:17:42 PM4/8/08 4:17:42 PM

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