

abiotic spoilage, 42–3
acid sulphite process, 193
acidity, 42
Aclar, 303
acrylic, 387
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), 301–2
adaptation, 84
additives, 199–200, 283–4
nano fillers for improved gas barrier, 284
adhesive labels, 376
adhesives, 245
adhesion theories, 382–4
adhesive selection, 389–90
application methods, 390
packaging, 381–2
performance evaluation, 391
terminology, 392–3
troubleshooting adhesive problems, 391–2
types, 384–9
100% solid, 388–9
solvent-based, 388
water-based, 384–7
aerosol safety, 55
alkaline sulphate process, 193
alternating copolymers, 271
aluminium foil, 163–77
container types, 177
end uses as packaging material, 176
finishes, coatings and lacquers, 170–2
chemical resistance of coating materials, ...

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