1-D | one-dimensional |
2-D | two-dimensional |
3-D | three-dimensional |
4-D | four-dimensional |
A/D | analog to digital converter |
A & E | ambulatory and emergency |
ABF | Air Blown Fiber |
ACC | Ambulatory Care Center |
ACGME | Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education |
ACR | American College of Radiology |
ACR BIRADS | American College of Radiology Beast Imaging Reporting and Data System Atlas |
ACR-NEMA | American College of Radiology–National Electric Manufacturer’s Association |
ADM | an acquisition and display module |
ADT | admission, discharge, transfer |
AE | application entities |
AFBUS | volumetric (3D) automated full breast ultrasound |
AFP | alpha-fetal protein—a tumor marker |
AIH | acute intracranial hemorrhage |
AL | aluminum |
AMP | amplifier |
AMS | Acquisition Modality Standards Institute |
AMS | automatic monitoring system |
ANL | Argon National Laboratory |
ANOVA | Analysis of Variance |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AP or PA | Anterior-Posterior, Access Point |
API | application Program Interface |
APS | antepartum care summary |
ARI | access to radiology information |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASI NATO | Advanced Study Institute |
ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASP | active server pages |
ASP | application services provider |
AT | Acceptance Testing |
ATL | active template library |
ATM | asynchronous transfer mode |
ATNA | audit trail and node authentication |
Az | area under the ROC curve |
BAA | bone age assessment |
BPP | bit per pixel |
BDF | Building Distribution Center |
BGO | Bismuth Germanate X-ray detector |
BIDG | Breast imaging data grid |
BIS | Bispectral Index ... |