Sales Conduit Based on Generic Conduit


This sample was based on an early beta version of the Generic Conduit and may not compile with the version available to you. For a more current version of the sample, see catalog/palmprog/.


We have derived a new class from CPcMgr, because we want to support the same a tab-delimited text format we used with the alternative conduit classes. Here is our new class:

class CSalesPcMgr: public CPcMgr
    CSalesPcMgr(CPLogging *pLogging, char *szDbName, 
      TCHAR *pFileName = NULL, TCHAR *pDirName = NULL, 
      DWORD dwGenericFlags,
      eSyncTypes syncType = eDoNothing);

    virtual long StoreDB(void);
    virtual long RetrieveDB(void);

CSalesPCMgr constructor

Our constructor just initializes the base class:

CSalesPcMgr::CSalesPcMgr(CPLogging *pLogging, char *szDbName, 
   TCHAR *pFileName, TCHAR *pDirName, 
   DWORD dwGenericFlags, eSyncTypes syncType)
   :CPcMgr(pLogging, szDbName, pFileName, pDirName, dwGenericFlags,

StoreDB function

Our StoreDB routine writes the list of records in text-delimited format:

long CSalesPcMgr::StoreDB(void) { if ( !m_bNeedToSave) { // if no changes, don't waste time saving return 0; } long retval = OpenDB(); if (retval) return GEN_ERR_UNABLE_TO_SAVE; for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; (dwIndex < m_dwMaxRecordCount) && (!retval); dwIndex++){ if (!m_pRecordList[dwIndex]) // if there is no record, skip ahead continue; retval = WriteRecord(m_hFile, m_pRecordList[dwIndex]); if (retval != 0){ ...

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