
With Mojo, you can embed rich media objects within your scenes. There are widgets for a web object, a full screen image scroller, and partial support for HTML 5 audio and video tags for inclusion of audio and video objects.


To embed a contained web object, declare and instantiate a WebView widget. You can use it to render local markup or to load an external URL; as long as you can define the source as a reachable URL, you can use a WebView to render that resource.

Back to the News: Adding a web view

Tapping on a story will push a web view scene and load the original story’s URL in that scene. This example is a simple use of Web view, where we create a new scene for the web page, but it’s still within the News application’s context.

Create a new scene, called webView, using palm-generate, then declare the widget in your scene view and configure it in your scene assistant before calling setupWidget(). The storyWeb-scene.html is just one line:

<div id="storyWeb" x-mojo-element="WebView"></div>

And there’s not much more to the storyWeb-assistant.js to configure and set up the WebView widget:

/* StoryWebAssistant - NEWS Copyright 2009 Palm, Inc. All rights reserved. Passed a story URL, displays that element in a full scene webview with a load indicator and reload button. Handles link selections within the view. User swipes back to return to the calling view. Major components: Arguments: - storyURL; Selected feed from which the stories are being viewed */ function StoryWebAssistant(storyURL) ...

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