Core Application Services

This first group of application services includes a core set of applications that provide basic functions for web browsing, phone calls, maps, camera, and photos. The browser will be used first, with an example using the News application, followed by brief descriptions of the other applications and how you call them from within your application.


Earlier, a WebView widget was used to display the source URL for the News story, but launching the web browser application in a new card gives more flexibility to News. The browser application can be launched to its default launch view or to a specific URL.

Back to the News: Launching the browser

News will launch the browser to load a specified URL as a simple example of an application service. The WebView widget in News is replaced with a call to the Application Manager to launch the browser into a separate card. The command handler for do-webStory in the storyView-assistant.js is replaced with a new version that includes a single call to this.controller.serviceRequest, with the service name set to the Application Manager, or palm://com.palm.applicationManager. All Application Manager calls will start this way.

The second argument is an object literal that includes an open method and a parameters object that includes the application id property set to, the browser’s application ID, and a params object. The params object includes just the target URL retrieved from the story array entry. This ...

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