Creating and Persisting DataFrames


There are many ways to create a DataFrame. This chapter will cover some of the most common ones. It will also show how to persist them.

Creating DataFrames from scratch

Usually, we create a DataFrame from an existing file or a database, but we can also create one from scratch. We can create a DataFrame from parallel lists of data.

How to do it...

  1. Create parallel lists with your data in them. Each of these lists will be a column in the DataFrame, so they should have the same type:
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> fname = ["Paul", "John", "Richard", "George"]
    >>> lname = ["McCartney", "Lennon", "Starkey", "Harrison"]
    >>> birth = [1942, 1940, 1940, 1943]
  2. Create a dictionary ...

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