How to do it...

  1. Read in the Denver crime hdf5 dataset leaving the REPORTED_DATE as a column:
>>> crime = pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime')>>> crime.head()
  1. All Timestamp columns have a special attribute called the dt accessor, which gives access to a variety of extra attributes and methods specifically designed for them. Let's find the weekday name of each REPORTED_DATE and then count these values:
>>> wd_counts = crime['REPORTED_DATE'].dt.weekday_name \                                         .value_counts()>>> wd_countsMonday       70024
Friday       69621
Wednesday    69538
Thursday     69287
Tuesday      68394
Saturday     58834
Sunday       55213
Name: REPORTED_DATE, dtype: int64
  1. The weekends appear ...

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