15. Regularization

15.1 Introduction

In Chapter 14, we considered various ways to measure model performance. Section 14.4 described cross-validation, a technique that tries to measure model performance by looking at how it predicts on test data. This chapter explores regularization, one technique to improve performance on test data. Specifically, this method aims to prevent overfitting.

15.2 Why Regularize?

Let’s begin with a base case of linear regression. We will be using the ACS data.

import pandas as pd acs = pd.read_csv('../data/acs_ny.csv') print(acs.columns)

Index(['Acres', 'FamilyIncome', 'FamilyType', 'NumBedrooms',        'NumChildren', 'NumPeople', 'NumRooms', 'NumUnits',        'NumVehicles', 'NumWorkers', ...

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