We thank Kevin Tappe, now a coauthor of “plm,” for his invaluable help in improving, checking and extending the functionality of the package. It is difficult to overstate the importance of his contribution.
Achim Zeileis, Christian Kleiber, Ott Toomet, Liviu Andronic, and Nina Schoenfelder have contributed code, fixes, ideas, and interesting discussions at different stages of development. Too many users to list here have provided feedback, good words of encouragement, and bug reports. Often those reporting a bug have also provided, or helped in working out, a solution.
We thank the authors of all the papers that are replicated or simply cited here, for their inspiring research and for making their datasets available. Barbara Rossi (editor) and James MacKinnon (maintainer of the data archive) of the Journal of Applied Econometrics (JAE) are thanked together with the original authors for kindly sharing the JAE data archive datasets.
Personal thanks
Yves Croissant
The first drafts of several chapters of the book have been written while giving a panel data course in the applied economics master of the University of La Reunion. I thank the students of this course for their useful feedback, which helped improving the text. I've been working with Fabrizio Carlevaro on several projects for about 20 years. During this collaboration, he shared with me his deep knowledge of econometrics, and the endless discussions we had were an invaluable source of inspiration for me. ...
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