A Parallel CFD-CAA Computation of Aerodynamic Noise for Cylinder Wake-Airfoil Interactions
Sven Petha; Jung H. Seob; Young J. Moonb; Marc C. Jacobc; Frank Thielea a Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Techmische Akustik Müller-Breslau-Straße, 1062.3 Berlin, Germanyb Korea University, Department of Mechanical Engineering Anam-dong. Sungbuk-ku, Seoul. 136-701. Koreac Ecole Centrale de Lyon Centre Acoustique du LMFA. UMR CYRS 5509 69134 Ecully Cedex. Franco
Aerodynamic noise from the rod wake-airfoil interactions at M=0.2 and ReD = 16,000 is computed by solving the linearized perturbed compressible equations (LPCE). with the acoustic source and hydrodynamic flow variables computed from the incompressible the incompressible ...
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