Parry's Valuation and Investment Tables, 13th Edition

Book description

First published in 1913, Richard Parry’s Valuation and Investment Tables has since become an essential tool for students and professionals in the study and practice of valuation and appraisal.

The book provides a comprehensive set of some 30 different valuation and investment tables in one volume. In practice today, calculations are required for a variety of purposes which often justify more than one approach. With this in mind, Internal Rates of Return tables have been retained in a modified form. Using these tables, both growth and non-growth scenarios can be analysed for a more detailed appraisal of specific freehold property investments and to provide a basis for more in-depth investment advice. The Life Tables have been removed and replaced with a guide to calculating life interests from up to date census data.

Although the tables will be used mainly by students and practising surveyors, they will also be useful to accountants and others concerned with various types of investment and financial calculations. That the book has reached its centenary year and thirteenth edition is a testament to its acclaim by the valuation and property professions in an era of calculators, smartphones and sophisticated spread sheet software and furthermore a tribute to the historical importance of Parry’s original vision and continued legacy.

In celebration of this milestone year there will be a limited edition leather slip cased version of the book available.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  7. The Construction and Use of the Tables
  8. Tables Without Allowance for Tax
    1. Green Years’ Purchase (Single Rate) Quarterly in Advance
    2. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) Quarterly in Advance
    3. White Yield Conversion Tables (Nominal and Effective Yields)
    4. White Years’ Purchase in Perpetuity
    5. White Years’ Purchase (Single Rate)
    6. White Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate)
    7. White Years’ Purchase of a Reversion to a Perpetuity
    8. White Present Value of £1
    9. White Annual Sinking Fund
    10. White Amount of £1
    11. White Amount of £1 per annum
    12. White Annuity £1 Will Purchase (Single Rate)
    13. White Internal Rates of Return (with no growth)
    14. White Internal Rates of Return (growth)
  9. Metric Conversion Tables
    1. Pink Decimals of one pound
    2. Pink Feet–Yards/Metres
    3. Pink Square Feet–Square Yards/Square Metres
    4. Pink Acres/Hectares
    5. Pink Cubic Feet/Cubic Metres
    6. Pink Price per Square Foot to Price per Square Metre
    7. Pink Price per Cubic Foot to Price per Cubic Metre
    8. Pink Price per Acre to Price per Hectare
  10. Pink Tax Adjustment Factors
  11. Tables With Allowance for Taxation
    1. Years’ Purchase Quarterly in Advance Tables
      1. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 10%
      2. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 20%
      3. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 25%
      4. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 30%
      5. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 35%
      6. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 40%
      7. Green Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 50%
    2. Years’ Purchase Annually in Arrear Tables
      1. Yellow Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 10%
      2. Yellow Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 20%
      3. Yellow Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 25%
      4. Yellow Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 30%
      5. Yellow Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 35%
      6. Yellow Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 40%
      7. Yellow Years’ Purchase (Dual Rate) tax at 50%

Product information

  • Title: Parry's Valuation and Investment Tables, 13th Edition
  • Author(s): Alick Davidson
  • Release date: June 2013
  • Publisher(s): Estates Gazette
  • ISBN: 9781136148538