452 Patterns: Extended Enterprise SOA and Web Services
14.3.8 Exporting the Enterprise Application files
The WarehouseBusinessProcess enterprise application must be exported from
the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition workspace to
an EAR file, so that it can be deployed to WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation.
To export the WarehouseBusinessProcess enterprise application, follow these
1. Click File → Export.
2. In the Export wizard, highlight EAR file and click Next.
3. In the EAR project pull-down, select WarehouseBusinessProcessEAR.
Click Browse and locate a directory to where you want to store the enterprise
application. Click Save. The enterprise application is called
WarehouseBusinessProcess.ear by default.
4. Click Finish to generate WarehouseBusinessProcessEAR.ear.
14.4 Runtime guidelines
This section describes how to test and deploy the Warehouse business process
built in 14.3, “Development guidelines” on page 425.
It contains the following sections:
Testing with Web Services Explorer
Testing the business process with ITSO Good
Deploying the business process
As shown in Figure 14-19 on page 453, the ITSO Good application has been
split into two applications:
One with the Warehouse running as a WS-BPEL business process in
WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation V5.1
The other with Retailer, SCMSampleUI, and LoggingFacility running in
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.
Chapter 14. Exposed Serial Process runtime pattern: generic profile 453
Figure 14-19 Runtime deployment topology
14.4.1 Testing with Web Services Explorer
Before testing the business process with the ITSO Good sample application, you
can give the process a trial run using the Web Services Explorer. Perform the
1. In WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, click the
Servers tab, then right-click WarehouseServer and select Add and remove
2. In the Add and Remove Projects window, select
WarehouseBusinessProcessEAR and click Add to add it to the list of
configured projects. Click Finish.
3. Start the server by right-clicking WarehouseServer and clicking Start.
4. When the server has started, you can invoke the Warehouse business
process using the Web service interface you have defined for it. In the
Package Explorer view locate
This WSDL file is used to invoke the business process. Right-click
Warehouse_Impl.wsdl and click Web Services → Test with Web Services
5. The Web Services Explorer starts. In the Navigator section expand
WarehouseSoapBinding and click ShipGoods.
Manufacturer C
Manufacturer B
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
WebSphere Application
Manufacturer A
WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation
454 Patterns: Extended Enterprise SOA and Web Services
6. The Actions section allows you to invoke the shipGoods operation. Enter the
following information (Figure 14-20).
a. Set ProductNumber to 605001
b. Set Quantity to 1
c. Set Customer to A12345-9876543-xyz
Figure 14-20 Web Services Explorer input
7. Click Go to invoke the business process. When the call is complete, the status
bar should show the message response. Click Source to see the SOAP
request and response message. Figure 14-21 on page 455 shows a
successful invocation, where the response message is set to true.
Chapter 14. Exposed Serial Process runtime pattern: generic profile 455
Figure 14-21 SOAP request and response message
14.4.2 Testing the business process with ITSO Good
We can test that the Warehouse business process works with the ITSO Good
sample application while the business process is running in the WebSphere
Studio Application Developer Integration Edition test environment. For detailed
instructions about using the ITSO Good sample application see 8.2, “ITSO Good
sample business scenario” on page 138.
1. In WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, ensure the
Warehouse business process is added to a test server, and that test server is
running, as described in 14.4.1, “Testing with Web Services Explorer” on
page 453.
2. Start the ITSOGoodProfile and ManufacturerProfile WebSphere Application
Server instances on the itsogood.itso.ral.ibm.com machine. Also start
ManufacturerB and ManufacturerC if you have configured them.
3. You need to change the Web services client binding for the Retailer to point to
the new Warehouse business process. Perform the following tasks:
a. Log in to the ITSOGoodProfile machine where the ITSOGood enterprise
application is hosted.
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