Appendix B. Microsoft .NET Web services 497
Change this line to point to the address where the .NET Web service is
running, for example:
7. Save changes to this file.
B.2.8 Deploying and testing the J2EEClient
Before we begin to deploy and test the client, we must first modify preferences in
Rational Application Developer that allow us to utilize the Web Services Explorer,
a powerful tool used by the application to test Web service calls. Perform the
following, tasks:
1. From the menu bar, select WIndow → Preferences.
2. In the Preferences window, expand the Workbench listing and click
3. Inside the Capabilities frame, expand the Web Developer (advanced) listing
and place a check in the box next to Web Services Development, as seen in
Figure B-9 on page 498.
498 Patterns: Extended Enterprise SOA and Web Services
Figure B-9 Enabling Web Services development tools.
4. Click OK. Now we can begin to deploy and test the J2EE client properly.
5. In the Project Explorer view, right-click ManufacturerB_Impl.wsdl and select
Web Services → Test with Web Services Explorer.
6. After the environment is loaded, you can see a Web browser tab in Rational
Application Developer. In the action frame, the submitPO operation and a
properly defined endpoint are shown, as seen in Figure B-10 on page 499.
Appendix B. Microsoft .NET Web services 499
Figure B-10 Testing with the Web Services Explorer
7. Click submitPO inside of the Actions frame and provide test input for each of
the following items listed on the screen. This is the information that the .NET
Web service will receive in a SOAP message.
Important: Obey the input guidelines for each object type that requires
information (for example, do not write text inside of inputs that require numeric
values, such as
float or nonNegativeInteger).
Also, the customerRef object is of a
normalized string type, meaning that it
has special restrictions that must be considered when choosing a value. We
recommend using the following value for this object: A12345-9876543-xyz. It
should be inputted exactly as its written here, paying special attention to the
two dashes and the upper and lower-case letter specifics contained within it.
This is illustrated in Figure B-11 on page 500.
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