Appendix C. CICS Transaction Server Web services 515
C.2.1 CICS Web services assistant
The CICS Web services assistant is a set of batch utilities which can help you to
transform existing CICS applications into Web services and to enable CICS
applications to use Web services provided by external providers. When you use
the Web services assistant for CICS, you do not have to write your own code for
parsing inbound messages and for constructing outbound messages. CICS
maps data between the body of a SOAP message and the application program's
data structure.
The CICS Web services assistant comprises two utility programs:
This program generates a Web service binding file from a language structure.
This utility also generates a Web service description. This is used for
bottom-up development.
This program generates a Web service binding file from a Web service
description. This utility also generates a language structure that you can use
in your application programs. This is used for top-down development.
The JCL procedures to run both programs are in the
C.2.2 CICS resources for Web services
The following CICS resources support Web services:
򐂰 PIPELINE provides information about the message handler programs that act
on a service request and on the response. Typically, a single PIPELINE
definition defines an infrastructure that can be used by many applications.
򐂰 WEBSERVICE is required only when the mapping between application data
structures and SOAP messages generated using the CICS Web services
assistant. It defines aspects of the runtime environment for a CICS application
program deployed in a Web services setting.
򐂰 URIMAP is required only for a service provider, and contains information that
maps the URI of an inbound Web service request to the other resources
(such as the PIPELINE) that will service the request.
򐂰 TCPIPSERVICE is required for a service provider that uses the HTTP
transport, and contains information about the port on which inbound requests
are received.

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