520 Patterns: Extended Enterprise SOA and Web Services
Example: D-6 Setting PATH variable on Windows
4. On the Unix platform, make sure all shell script (*.sh) files have execution
permission. To change permission, type the following in Example D-7.
Example: D-7 Changing shell script permission
chmod 755 $WAP_SOURCE/*.sh
5. You are now ready to run WSAdmin Automation Platform.
D.1.3 Running WSAdmin Automation Platform
In this section, you can find information about how to run WSAdmin Automation
Platform. There are three different ways to start WSAdmin Automation Platform:
򐂰 jwap : starts a Java command line interface.
򐂰 jwap -gui : starts a Java graphical user interface.
򐂰 wapStart.sh or wapStart.bat : starts a Unix or Windows command line
prompt interface.
jWAP syntax
To start WSAdmin Automation Platform from a Java command line interface, use
the script in Example D-8:
Example: D-8 Starting from a Java command interface
jwap.sh | jwap.bat [ ? | -(h)elp ]
[-wap_path <wap_source_directory>]
[ -c <command> ]
[ -wsadmin_classpath classpath]
[ script parameters ]
[ <WSADMIN options> ]
wapStart syntax
To start from a Unix or Windows command interface, using the script in
Example D-9 on page 521.
Appendix D. WSAdmin Automation Platform 521
Example: D-9 Starting from Unix or Windows command line
wapStart.sh | wapStart.bat [ -? | -(h)elp ]
[-wap_path <wap_source_directory>]
[ -c <command> ]
[ -wsadmin_classpath classpath]
[ script parameters ]
[ <WSADMIN options> ]
Descriptions of the options
The following options are available:
-? or -help shows the help message.
-gui starts WSAdmin Automation Platform in a graphical interface. This option is
only available on jWAP syntax.
-noverbose runs WSAdmin Automation Platform in silent mode.
-debug prints debugging information. This options is used to trace the execution.
-noexec runs the commands in the JACL script but does not execute WSAdmin
Automation Platform commands. This is useful for doing a
dry run, or practice
run, of scripts.
-wap_path is the path where WSAdmin Automation Platform is installed. If this
option is omitted, the value in WAP_SOURCE environment variable will be used
-c is the command to be passed to the script processor. If you need to execute a
command that contains white spaces, you must surround the command with a \”
(backslash double quote). For instance:
wapStart.sh -c \"createJDBCProvider j1 -dbtype db2xa\"
-wsadmin_classpath is an additional Java class path to be appended to built-in
Java class path.
script parameters is any other additional parameter that you want to pass to
your script. These are passed to the script in the variable. The number of
parameters is also available in the argv variable. For instance:
set numberOfParameter [llength $argv]
set parameter0 [lindex $argv 0]

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