Patterns: Implementing Self-Service in an SOA Environment

Book description

The Patterns for e-business are a group of proven, reusable assets that can be used to increase the speed of developing and deploying Web applications. This IBM Redbooks publication focuses on the use of service-oriented architecture and the enterprise service bus to build solutions that help organizations achieve rapid, flexible integration of IT systems.

It includes the Self-Service::Directly Integrated Single Channel pattern for implementing point-to-point connections with back-end applications, the Self-Service::Router pattern for implementing intelligent routing among multiple back-end applications, and the Self-Service::Decomposition pattern for decomposing a request into multiple requests and recomposing the results into a single response.

This book teaches you by example how to design and build sample solutions using WebSphere Application Server V6 with Web services, J2EE Connectors and IBM CICS, and JMS using the WebSphere Application Server default messaging provider. WebSphere Application Server service integration technology is used to implement enterprise service bus functionality.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Summary of changes
    1. January 2006, Second Edition
  4. Chapter 1: Patterns for e-business
    1. The Patterns for e-business layered asset model
    2. How to use the Patterns for e-business
      1. Selecting a Business, Integration, Composite pattern, or a Custom design
      2. Selecting Application patterns
      3. Review Runtime patterns
      4. Reviewing Product mappings
      5. Reviewing guidelines and related links
    3. Summary
  5. Chapter 2: Self-Service business pattern
    1. Self-service applications
    2. Self-Service application patterns
    3. Application pattern used in this book
  6. Chapter 3: SOA and the Enterprise Service Bus
    1. Overview of SOA
      1. Definition of a service
      2. Web services and SOA
      3. Messaging and SOA
      4. The advantages of SOA
      5. SOA summary
    2. Overview of the Enterprise Service Bus
      1. SOA infrastructure requirements
      2. Definition of an ESB
      3. Enterprise requirements for an ESB
      4. Minimum ESB capabilities
      5. ESB and Web services technologies
      6. Extended ESB capabilities
      7. The ESB and other SOA components
  7. Chapter 4: Runtime patterns
    1. An introduction to the node types
      1. Why use an enterprise service bus?
    2. Runtime patterns for Directly Integrated Single Channel
      1. Generic Runtime pattern for Directly Integrated Single Channel
      2. SOA profile for Directly Integrated Single Channel
    3. Runtime patterns for Router
      1. Generic Runtime pattern for Router
      2. SOA profile for Router
    4. Runtime patterns for Decomposition
      1. Generic Runtime pattern for Decomposition
      2. SOA profile for Decomposition
  8. Chapter 5: Product mappings and product overview
    1. Product mapping
    2. IBM WebSphere Application Server
      1. WebSphere Application Server V6 for distributed platforms
      2. Service integration
      3. ESB capabilities
    3. IBM Rational Software Development Platform
      1. Workbench
    4. Rational Application Developer
      1. Web development
      2. EJB development
      3. Web services support
      4. Connector support
      5. Test environment
      6. Team development
    5. Rational Software Architect
      1. Rational Unified Process guidance
      2. Model-driven development
      3. Modeling
      4. Asset-based development
    6. For more information
  9. Chapter 6: Technology options
    1. The big picture
    2. Client technologies
      1. Web-based clients (1/2)
      2. Web-based clients (2/2)
      3. Mobile clients
    3. Web application server
      1. Java servlets
      2. JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
      3. JavaServer Faces
      4. Struts
      5. Service Data Objects
      6. Portal applications
      7. JavaBeans
      8. XML
      9. Enterprise JavaBeans
      10. Additional enterprise Java APIs
    4. Integration technologies
      1. Web services
      2. J2EE Connector Architecture
      3. Java Message Service
      4. Enterprise Service Bus
      5. Others
    5. Where to find more information
  10. Chapter 7: Application and system design guidelines
    1. e-business application design considerations
    2. Application structure
      1. Model-View-Controller design pattern
      2. Result bean design pattern
      3. View bean design pattern
      4. Formatter beans design pattern
      5. Command bean design pattern
      6. Frameworks
      7. WebSphere command framework with EJBs
      8. Best practices for EJBs
    3. Design guidelines for Web services
      1. Web services architecture
      2. Web services design considerations (1/2)
      3. Web services design considerations (2/2)
      4. The key challenges in Web services
      5. Best practices for Web services
    4. Design guidelines for J2EE Connector Architecture
      1. Components of J2EE Connector Architecture
      2. Managed and non-managed environments
      3. Outbound and inbound communication
      4. WebSphere Application Server and JCA
      5. Common Connector Interface
      6. CICS resource adapters
      7. Selecting a CICS resource adapter
      8. CICS ECI design considerations
      9. Best practices for J2EE Connector Architecture
    5. Design guidelines for JMS
      1. Message models
      2. JMS messages
      3. Message-driven beans
      4. Managing JMS objects
      5. JMS and JNDI
      6. Choosing a JMS provider
      7. WebSphere default messaging provider design considerations
      8. WebSphere MQ design considerations
      9. For more information
    6. Design guidelines for the ESB
      1. Service integration bus
      2. Mediations
      3. Working with messages in mediations
  11. Chapter 8: Business scenario and design
    1. ITSOMart overview
      1. Business goals
    2. Customer registration scenario
      1. Actors
      2. Use case
      3. Self-Service pattern selection
    3. Customer registration application design
      1. Activity diagram
      2. Sequence diagram
      3. Technology and product selection
  12. Chapter 9: JSF front-end scenario
    1. Architectural overview
    2. System design overview
      1. Design considerations
      2. Component model
      3. Object model (1/2)
      4. Object model (2/2)
    3. Low level design
      1. ITSOMart Web diagram
      2. JSF managed bean design
      3. JSF input validation
      4. Error handling
      5. Back-end interface
    4. Application development guidelines
      1. Rational Software Architect development environment
      2. Web page templates
      3. Designing screens using the Page Designer
      4. Binding UI components to managed beans (1/2)
      5. Binding UI components to managed beans (2/2)
      6. Implementing page navigation
      7. Implementing input validation
      8. Debugging applications in Rational Software Architect
    5. Runtime guidelines
      1. The web-config.xml configuration file
    6. System management
    7. For more information
  13. Chapter 10: Web services scenario
    1. Architectural overview model
    2. System design overview
      1. Component model
      2. Object model
    3. Applying the design guidelines
    4. Development guidelines for Web services
    5. Application development using Web services
      1. Implementation approach
      2. Creating a Web service from a session bean (1/2)
      3. Creating a Web service from a session bean (2/2)
      4. Testing with the Web Services Explorer
      5. Creating Web service clients (1/2)
      6. Creating Web service clients (2/2)
    6. Creating the mediations
      1. Create the router mediation
      2. Create the Aggregator mediation
      3. Extending the mediations
    7. Runtime guidelines for Web services
      1. Web services support in WebSphere Application Server V6
      2. Configuration tasks
      3. Create an endpoint listener
      4. Create the outbound services
      5. Create the inbound services
      6. Generate and export new WSDL for the services
      7. Update the Web service clients to use the bus (1/2)
      8. Update the Web service clients to use the bus (2/2)
      9. Configure the router mediation
      10. Configure the aggregator mediation
    8. System management for Web services
      1. Security considerations for Web services
      2. Web Services Gateway
    9. More information
  14. Chapter 11: JMS scenario
    1. Architectural overview model
    2. System design overview
      1. Component model
      2. Object model
    3. Applying the design guidelines
      1. Point-to-point messaging model
      2. JMS resource lookups using JNDI
      3. Message selectors
      4. Message time-to-live
      5. Persistent versus non-persistent messages
      6. Mediation
    4. Development guidelines for JMS
      1. JMS development
      2. Creating a JMS client application
      3. Creating a message-driven bean
      4. Creating a mediation
    5. Runtime configuration for JMS
      1. Create a queue destination
      2. Create the JMS connection factory
      3. Create JMS queue
      4. Create JMS activation specification
      5. Mediation configuration
      6. Test the application
    6. System management for JMS
      1. JMS performance issues
      2. Performance monitoring for mediations
      3. Security considerations
  15. Chapter 12: J2EE Connector Architecture scenario
    1. Architectural overview model
    2. System design overview
      1. Component model
      2. Object model
    3. Applying the design guidelines
      1. Creating the input and output record
      2. Data conversion
      3. Connection management
      4. Executing the enterprise application
      5. Transaction management
      6. Security
    4. Development guidelines for JCA
      1. The CICS enterprise application
      2. Create a JCA application to access the enterprise application (1/4)
      3. Create a JCA application to access the enterprise application (2/4)
      4. Create a JCA application to access the enterprise application (3/4)
      5. Create a JCA application to access the enterprise application (4/4)
      6. Create the EJB Web service client
      7. Integrate the JCA service client with Processor
    5. Runtime guidelines for JCA applications
      1. CICS Transaction Gateway
      2. WebSphere Application Server V6 configuration
      3. Configure the bus for the Web service
      4. Setting up the CICS application
    6. System management guidelines for JCA
      1. Logging and tracing
      2. Performance monitoring and tuning
      3. Scalability and availability considerations
      4. Security considerations
    7. For more information
  16. Appendix A: Sample application install summary
    1. Description of application files
    2. Import the source files to the workbench
    3. Runtime preparation
    4. Configuring the data source and creating the database
      1. Using a DB2 database
      2. Using a Cloudscape database
    5. Create a service integration bus
    6. Install Web services support for the bus
      1. Install the SDO Repository application
      2. Install the resource adapter
      3. Install the SIBWS application
      4. Install the SOAP over HTTP endpoint listener application
    7. Configure the bus for JMS messaging
      1. Create the queue destinations
      2. Configure the JMS connection factories
      3. Create the JMS queues
      4. Create the JMS activation specifications
    8. CreditCheck application
    9. JCAModule : CRM application
    10. Mail service application
      1. Install the applications
      2. Configure the mediation
    11. DeliverySystem application
    12. Processor application
    13. Access the application
    14. Common errors:
  17. Appendix B: Additional material
    1. Locating the Web material
    2. Using the Web material
      1. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      2. How to use the Web material
  18. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  19. Index (1/3)
  20. Index (2/3)
  21. Index (3/3)
  22. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Patterns: Implementing Self-Service in an SOA Environment
  • Author(s): Carla Sadtler, Anup Aggarwal, Diego Cotignola, Sandy Grewal, Peter Hood, Shashi Shrimali, Fernando Teixeira
  • Release date: January 2006
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None