98 Patterns: Information Aggregation and Data Integration with DB2 Information Integrator
Two-way Synchronization: Multi Step variation runtime pattern
As the Synchronization application patterns are evolving rapidly, typical Runtime
patterns are in the process of being identified and will be documented on the
Patterns Web site (http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks/patterns/) when they
are finalized.
3.5.4 Guidelines for usage and scenario
The topology and simultaneous update requirements of the business application
will dictate the complexity of the conflict detection and resolution needed in the
general case of multi-way Synchronization. Detailed guidelines are still to be
developed for this pattern, and will be documented on the Patterns Web site
(http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks/patterns/) when they are finalized.
Two-way Synchronization, while simpler, will be treated in this more general
context. However, the key considerations for limiting risk are:
The derived data store should have a similar schema to its source.
Data elements that are updated in the derived store should overlap to the
smallest extent possible with those updated in the source.
Synchronization should not be required at very short intervals.
Where these considerations are not met, direct access to the source data, using
the Federation application pattern described in 3.3, “Data Integration::
Federation” on page 65, should be considered as an option.
Usage scenario
A Financial Institution creates a customer relationship management (CRM)
system fed from a combination of sources, including operational systems and the
data warehouse. In the CRM system, the agent can update certain elements of
the customer record based on interactions with the customer. These include
customer preferences and contact details. Some of these elements exist only in
the CRM system. However, the contact details overlap with data stored in the
operational Customer Information File. The Two-way Synchronization pattern is
chosen to implement a method for keeping these contact details aligned between
the two systems.
3.6 Information Aggregation:: User Information Access
We describe the basic Information Aggregation application pattern and its
variations along with their corresponding Runtime patterns. The key business
and IT drivers for this pattern are described briefly along with guidelines for their