Chapter 3. Data Integration and Information Aggregation patterns 99
As mentioned earlier, the Information Aggregation business pattern is also
known as User-to-Data, and it exists in e-business solutions that allow users to
access and manipulate data that is aggregated from multiple sources. This
Business pattern captures the process of taking large volumes of data, text,
images, video, and so on, and using various user-controlled tools to extract
useful information from them.
User Information Access (UIA, previously known as
Information Access), is the
only Application pattern in Information Aggregation. It helps structure a system
design that provides mainly read-only access to aggregated information. It is
most often used in conjunction with one of the Data Integration patterns
discussed earlier, to provide users access to an aggregated repository created
by these data movement-related Application patterns. For many data-oriented
applications, UIA might also be called "query".
There are two variation patterns based on this Application pattern, as follows:
򐂰 UIA: Federation, which uses the Federation application pattern to extend the
reach of UIA to additional sources
򐂰 UIA: Write-back, which uses the Population or Two-way Synchronization
pattern to support managed update of data sources when the user writes to
his copy rather than simply reading from it
This section is organized as follows:
򐂰 Business and IT drivers
򐂰 User Information Access pattern
򐂰 User Information Access: Federation variation pattern
򐂰 User Information Access: Write-back variation pattern
򐂰 Guidelines for usage and scenario
3.6.1 Business and IT drivers
The primary business driver for choosing the User Information Access
application pattern and its variations is to provide efficient access to information
that has been derived or aggregated from one or multiple sources. This
mechanism can access both structured and unstructured data populated by any
of the Data Integration patterns. Internal and/or external users may use this
information for decision-making purposes.
For example, an Executive Information System (EIS) might generate a summary
report on a periodic basis that compares the sales performance of various
divisions of a company with the sales targets of those divisions. In this example,
the UIA application pattern is used for accessing information from structured
derived data. In addition, the application may provide drill-through capability

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