Appendix A. IBM Client Information Integration Solution (CIIS) 157
򐂰 Provide business applications and customer touch points with access to
accurate enterprise-wide customer information.
򐂰 Build a robust customer information management infrastructure on which to
base future CRM initiatives such as customer self-service.
򐂰 Minimize the risk of implementing a single customer view.
򐂰 Leverage investment in their existing business systems that still deliver value
to the business.
Main features of CIIS
CIIS provides an operational customer information management solution that:
򐂰 Consolidates existing sources of customer information into a single customer
򐂰 Provides this integrated view to all business applications and customer
򐂰 Provides the performance, availability, and reliability required to provide
online business applications with their customer information needs.
򐂰 Manages enterprise volumes of customer data. CIIS benchmarking has
proven its capability as a high-end and upwardly scalable customer
information solution.
򐂰 Enables new business initiatives and CRM applications that require a single
view of customer.
򐂰 Ensures the validation and integrity of customer information as it is used by
applications throughout the enterprise.
򐂰 Is designed to integrate with the company's existing business applications.
򐂰 Provides a powerful business model to capture all customer information and
customer-related information.
򐂰 Is designed to be customized to meet the company's specific needs.
򐂰 Supports conformance to data directives such as those relating to privacy.
򐂰 Provides a proven solution to implementing a single enterprise view of the
customer that has been successfully deployed in companies worldwide.
Kinds of information managed by CIIS
The CIIS Business Model implements the concept of "objects types" to refer to
instances of business data on which actions can be performed. Essentially this
model defines the services that CIIS provides to external applications. This

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