10 Applying the Principles, Practices, and Patterns of DDD


  • How to sell Domain-Driven Design
  • Applying the principles and practices of Domain-Driven Design to your project
  • Understanding the importance of exploration and experimentation in the quest to find a useful model
  • Why avoiding ambiguity will greatly improve your modeling efforts
  • Removing the complexities of technology when problem solving
  • Why you shouldn’t worry about the perfect domain model
  • How you know when you are doing it right

Wrox.com Code Downloads for This Chapter

The wrox.com code downloads for this chapter are found at www.wrox.com/go/domaindrivendesign on the Download Code tab. The code is in the Chapter 10 download and individually named according to the names throughout the chapter.

Over the previous nine chapters, you have gained an overview into the philosophy of Domain-Driven Design (DDD). This chapter brings all of that knowledge together to show you how you can start to apply the principles and practices of DDD to your next project. The remainder of this book focuses on coding patterns to produce an effective domain model in code, integrate bounded contexts, and architect maintainable applications.

Selling DDD

DDD is not a silver bullet, and it shouldn’t be sold as one. In the same way that following an agile methodology won’t solve all of your problems, neither will DDD; however, it is a powerful and extremely effective philosophy when used in the correct circumstances, ...

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