Chapter 21
Ten Reasons to Add PayPal to Your Web Site
In This Chapter
- PayPal is the easiest way to add e-commerce to your Web site
- You don't need to apply for a merchant license
- You can specify payment preferences
- The buttons are free
- Easy encryption
- Many e-commerce solutions already support PayPal
- Setting up subscription payments is easy
- No setup fees
- Detailed transaction data
- Promotion through PayPal shops
If you think PayPal is just for eBay sales, then you're missing out on a great opportunity to get revenue (or more revenue) from your Web site. If you're not already selling products from your Web site, adding Buy Now buttons or the PayPal Shopping Cart is the easiest way to turn a marketing site into an e-commerce site. If you're already accepting credit card payments, then offering PayPal as an additional payment option widens your customer base because people who don't want to use a credit card can still make purchases. The following paragraphs give ten good reasons why you should add PayPal to your Web site.
PayPal Is the Easiest Way to Add E-commerce to Your Web Site
If you don't know how to code, but you're comfortable using FrontPage to create a Web site, you can integrate e-commerce quickly and easily with PayPal's free tools for Microsoft FrontPage. These tools let you add Buy Now buttons, a Shopping Cart, or set up subscriptions and recurring payments while you're designing with FrontPage. For information on how to install and use the tools, see Chapter 17.
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