Installing Socket 5 and Socket 7 processors
Socket 5 and Socket 7 motherboards must be configured properly to support the particular processor you are installing. If you are installing a Slot 1 or later processor, skip to the following section. If you are installing a Socket 5 or Socket 7 processor, take the steps described in the preceding section, and then continue as follows:
Use the processor and motherboard documentation to verify that the processor and motherboard are compatible, and to determine the proper settings for bus speed, CPU multiplier, core voltage, and I/O voltage. Use the motherboard manual or manufacturer’s web site to locate the configuration jumpers and to determine the jumper settings that match those required by the new processor. On some systems, settings are made by a combination of jumper settings and entries in BIOS setup. There are four settings you may have to make, all of which may not be present on a given motherboard:
- Bus speed
All Socket 5 and Socket 7 motherboards provide settings at least for 60 and 66 MHz. Some motherboards provide higher bus speeds, often including 75 and 83 MHz. These higher bus speeds are used to overclock a 60 or 66 MHz processor—running it faster than its rated speed. Don’t use these settings unless you are sure you want to overclock the processor. More recent Socket 7 motherboards, called Super7 motherboards, also provide 95 and 100 MHz bus settings, which are the standard speeds for newer Socket 7 processors. These motherboards ...
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