Computer remote control and network applications

8.1 Telecommunication ICs

The PCD3311C (Philips Semiconductors, RS273-545) produces dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) and modem frequencies. It requires a 5V power supply and the operating current is 0.9 mA. The standby current is only 3 μA. The pin-out and the internal block diagram of the IC are shown in Figure 8.1. The timebase for the IC is an on-board crystal controlled oscillator which requires an external 3.58 MHz crystal connected between OSC1 and OSC0. It interfaces to a computer via a parallel I/O port or an I2C bus. When the MODE input is connected to the logic high state, parallel data loading is selected. When it is left open or connected to the logic low, the I2C bus operation ...

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