Chapter 3. Maintaining Your Hardware
In This Chapter
Moving your PC the right way
Dusting your PC
Keeping cables under control
Cleaning your monitor and scanner
Freshening your mouse and keyboard
Practicing printer maintenance
With the right credit card balance, anyone can buy a supercharged $4,000 (US) PC — but maintaining that expensive equipment is another kettle of fish altogether. Although your PC's case might appear to be a closed environment, its fans draw in dust while they're cooling things — and what about peripherals, such as your printer and scanner, which are always more exposed to dust, dirt, and contaminants? The only PC I've encountered that doesn't need regular maintenance is the model that you can buy in The Sims franchise.
In this chapter, I cover the basic cleaning and maintenance necessary to keep your hardware in top shape — long enough for it to become a seriously outdated antique! (And that's coming from the proud owner of antique computers, two Radio Shack and three Atari.)
When Should You Move Your PC?
Counter to popular myth, even a desktop PC can go mobile whenever it wants. Of course, you can't stow it with your other carry-on items on a plane, but if you've been challenged to a LAN game at someone's apartment or you're moving to a new home, you'll find that your PC enjoys chaperoned trips (rather like a dog, without the tongue out the window).
Ready for one of my Maxims? (Get your highlighter out, if you like.) When you're ready, consider these guidelines that ...
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