Chapter 19

Hello, Other Gizmo

In This Chapter

arrow Dealing with new media

arrow Configuring AutoPlay settings

arrow Getting images from a digital camera

arrow Copying video into your PC

arrow Importing music from a CD

Eventually something will be attached to your PC. You can plug in, snap on, shove in, insert, or toss at your PC a variety of fun and fabulous things, from video cameras to tablets to music CDs. The PC is more than happy to say, “Hello!” And, of course, you pay a role in that conversation as well, even if you’re unwilling to do so.


Your PC doesn’t just sit there when other gizmos bump into it. The PC reacts instantly, installing software to access the gizmo. If the gizmo contains media, Windows asks you what to do next. That prompt is called AutoPlay.

Dealing with another device

Connecting another gizmo to your PC is met by a flurry of activity. If the device, or its type, is familiar to your computer, predicted actions occur. For example, inserting a musical CD might result in that ...

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