Chapter 9
Attraction: Quantifying the Talent Acquisition Phase
Improving candidate attraction with repeatable processes and data
Making good hiring decisions with talent acquisition metrics and process improvement
Gaining insight with data context and analysis
Any company that competes on a product-and-service level needs, at minimum, to attract talent, coax good work out of those people, and hold on to its most productive people. If the company cannot attract the quantity and quality of talent it needs, it’s reflected in diminished productivity relative to competitors.
Attraction represents the force of the organization to draw in or attract talent for its purposes, whatever that purpose may be. Attraction's principal importance to company performance is straightforward: In order to grow, a company must acquire new people to perform work for the company. The company’s current and future success is determined by the company’s ability to acquire a sufficient quantity and quality of talent to design, produce, and sell more products. If the company cannot attract the people it needs in order to operate, none of your other management strategies or systems matter.
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