

Question Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I usually stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in trying moments.
I can think clearly and stay focused on the task at hand under pressure.
I'm organized and careful in my work.
I regularly seek out fresh ideas from a wide variety of sources.
I'm good at generating new ideas.
I can smoothly handle multiple demands and changing priorities.
I'm results-oriented, with a strong drive to meet my objectives.
I like to set challenging goals and take calculated risks to reach them.
I'm always trying to learn how to improve my performance, including asking younger people for advice.
I readily make sacrifices to meet an important organizational goal.
I am able to admit my own mistakes.
I usually or always meet commitments and keep promises.
I hold myself to my goals.
The company's mission is something I understand and can identify with.
The values of my team influence my decisions and clarify the choices I make.
I actively seek out opportunities to further the overall goals of the organization and enlist others to help me.
I pursue goals beyond what's required or expected of me in my current job.
Obstacles and setbacks may delay me a little, but they don't stop me.
Cutting through red tape and bending outdated rules are sometimes necessary.
I seek fresh perspectives, even ...

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